
My name is Ricky, I like to travel.

I used to work in London for an overseas travel website, writing all about these exotic and fantastic locations… all while sitting in the office in London with it raining outside – something had to give podcasts zum herunterladen!

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love London, a fantastic city come rain or shine. But for me, the lure of that sunshine is just too much win 10 update wizard. So I decided that instead of sitting in the office in London and writing about all these beautiful sunny places… that I am actually gonna go travel the world and write about these places first hand kann man musik von spotify herunterladen! Best decision I have ever made.

Join me as I travel the world at my own place and bring a little bit of London to the world.


A little more about me:

I am a London born and bred Tottenham Hotspur fan – don’t worry, I don’t expect you to know who Tottenham Hotspur are oude firefox downloaden.

In terms of travelling, I had never travelled outside of the UK before I was 18 years old. My first experience in a plane of any kind was doing a tandem skydive for a friends 18th birthday when I was 17 herunterladen. Brave I know.

I graduated from University in 2011 with a degree in Journalism and Marketing and quickly landed a job as journalist and online marketing editor for a successful overseas travel website herunterladen. This just helped to fuel my desire to travel even more. Day after day I would read all these travel blogs about other travellers and let me tell you… the jealousy was driving my crazy herunterladen. So come 2012, I decided you know what… if all these people can run successful travel websites, why can’t I? Why can’t you? If I can do it, I am sure that you can do it too macbook film herunterladen. Travelling is quickly becoming my passion – even though I am dead scared of flying – I won’t even get up to use the toilet when I am on the plane, which makes for very uncomfortable journeys when I fly for 10 plus hours online fussball spiele kostenlosen.

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So now I guess I should tell you why you should follow my website:

  • I would like to think that my site is a fun read for advice on travelling and those looking to do some travelling themselves adobe acrobat reader mac kostenlos herunterladen.
  • Take a read of my adventures and my struggles as the most London of London boys abroad.
  • Enjoy my travel guides to different countries and regions around the world.
  • Join in the discussion and debate by commenting and talking to me, travelling can be a lonely business – I need some people to talk to.
  • If you don’t read it… well, who will? Come on, help me out.


Follow me and Contact me:

You can follow me on Twitter – @RickyCarbis

Like my page on Facebook – ALondonerAbroad